Volume 20, Issue 3 (12-2023)                   JSDP 2023, 20(3): 197-224 | Back to browse issues page

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Bahrani P, Minaei Bidgoli B, Parvin H, Mirzarzaei M, Keshavarz A. A Content-Collaborative Recommender System based on clustering and ontology. JSDP 2023; 20 (3) : 12
URL: http://jsdp.rcisp.ac.ir/article-1-1375-en.html
Department of Computer Engineering, Nourabad Mamasani Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nourabad Mamasani, Iran
Abstract:   (254 Views)
Recommender systems are systems that, over time, learn what product(s) or item(s) each person or customer is (are) likely to like and recommend it (them) to him/her. These systems often operate based on similar behaviors from other (possibly similar) people. Finding similar people is generally a highly time-consuming process due to the large number of users and inaccurate due to the lack of information. For this reason, some methods have resorted to increasing speed. On the other hand, some other methods have added additional information so that they can increase the accuracy of finding similar or neighboring users. Some others have resorted to hybrid methods. Recently, by the use of basic clustering methods, which is based on finding the most similar neighbors with the help of users’ clustering, as well as by using basic content analysis methods and sometimes adding ontology to these methods, researchers have been able to take the advantage of these methods in order to solve some of the above challenges acceptably. In the proposed hybrid recommender system, we have used a two-stage system in which, in the first stage, two models of predictions are made, then in the second stage, by a combining component, the results of the first two parts are combined and the obtained results are given to us as the final results of the system. In the first part, a system based on imputation of missing values fills in the blanks in the scoring matrix. For this end, among the methods of the missing data imputation, we designed a method that was compatible with filling the data set in very sparse conditions, and then generalized it to our own method. In this regard, we have proposed a method based on the grey distance clustering. In the second part, which itself is a hybrid ontology-based recommender system, we first extract the information of each item with the help of a web crawler, then based on a basic article, we produce our own limited ontology, and after that we apply our proposed method. Then, with the help of a proposed method, we improve the ontology structure, thus increasing the accuracy of measuring semantic similarity between the items and users in later stages, and significantly improving the effectiveness of the created recommendations. It should be noted that this ontology is not comprehensive. Finally, we measure the similarity of item-items, user-users, and user-items using an innovative basic ontology similarity measurement method. By the use of this similarity matrix, we cluster users and items, and then store similar users and items as a new feature in the user/item profile for each user/item. This will help us speed up the process of looking for similar users and similar items in the future. In fact, based on this feature, we have increased the speed of the whole work. Since we have set our goal to build a system that makes a balance between the two criteria of accuracy and speed, we use these two criteria to evaluate the proposed system using a real data set. The results of comparing our proposed method with some up-to-date similar methods presented in this field (using the same data set) implies that our method is slower than fast methods, although it is more accurate than them. These results also suggest that the proposed method is faster than accurate methods and its quality is more competitive or even better than them.
Article number: 12
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Paper
Received: 2023/04/23 | Accepted: 2023/12/29 | Published: 2024/01/14 | ePublished: 2024/01/14

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