Volume 18, Issue 3 (12-2021)                   JSDP 2021, 18(3): 29-44 | Back to browse issues page

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darabian H, Hashemi S, Homayoon S, Bagherifard K. Detecting Ransomware and Identifying their Families Using Sequence Mining in Dynamic Analysis. JSDP 2021; 18 (3) :29-44
URL: http://jsdp.rcisp.ac.ir/article-1-1003-en.html
shiraz University
Abstract:   (1545 Views)
Nowadays, crypto-ransomware is considered as one of the most threats in cybersecurity. Crypto ransomware removes data access by encrypting valuable data and requests a ransom payment to allow data decryption. The number of Crypto ransomware variants has increased rapidly every year, and ransomware needs to be distinguished from the goodware types and other types of ransomware to protect users' machines from ransomware-based attacks. Most published works considered System File and process behavior to identify ransomware which depend on how quickly and accurately system logs can be obtained and mined to detect abnormalities. Due to the severity of irreparable damage of ransomware attacks, timely detection of ransomware is of great importance. This paper focuses on the early detection of ransomware samples by analyzing behavioral logs of programs executing on the operating system before the malicious program destroy all the files. Sequential Pattern Mining is utilized to find Maximal Sequential Patterns of activities within different ransomware families as candidate features for classification. First, we prepare our test environment to execute and collect activity logs of 572 TeslaCrypt samples, 535 Cerber ransomware, and 517 Locky ransomware samples. Our testbed has the capability to be used in other projects where the automatic execution of malware samples is essential. Then, we extracted valuable features from the output of the Sequence Mining technique to train a classification algorithm for detecting ransomware samples. 99% accuracy in detecting ransomware instances from benign samples and 96.5% accuracy in detecting family of a given ransomware sample proves the usefulness and practicality of our proposed methods in detecting ransomware samples.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Paper
Received: 2019/04/28 | Accepted: 2020/08/18 | Published: 2022/01/20 | ePublished: 2022/01/20

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