Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2023)                   JSDP 2023, 19(4): 149-172 | Back to browse issues page

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Tajadini B, Seydnejad S, Rezakhani S. Prediction of Epileptic Seizures in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) based on Cepstrum analysis and AR model of EEG signal. JSDP 2023; 19 (4) : 11
URL: http://jsdp.rcisp.ac.ir/article-1-1177-en.html
Abstract:   (1121 Views)
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of brain function caused by abnormal and excessive electrical neurons discharge in the brain. Seizures cause disturbances in consciousness that occur without prior notice, so their prediction ability, based on EEG data, can reduce stress and improve quality of life. An epileptic patient EEG data consists of five parts: Ictal, Inter-Ictal, pre-Ictal, Post-Ictal, and IT (seconds before Ictal onset). The purpose of predicting an attack is to detect the period of pre-ictal or IT to create warnings for medical procedures that are actually determined hours or minutes before ictal and do not necessarily mean the exact time of ictal [4]. The aim of many studies has been to identify the pre-ictal period based on EEG data. However, the problem of reliable prediction of epileptic seizures remains largely unsolved [5].
 EEG and IEEG data types are used in detection and predicting methods. Due to the fact that artifacts and noises have a greater effect on EEG than IEEG, if there is IEEG, it has been tried to use it [6, 7]. Seizure warning methods that have a clinical application are generally based on the use on EEG [8].
Numerous studies have been performed to detect and predict seizures. The methods of signal processing and feature extraction are same in detection and prediction, but the difference is that, in detection, ictal and inter-ictal periods are compared, while in prediction, pre-ictal or IT and inter-ictal periods are being compared. Some algorithms use data modeling to extract features. References [13, 14], the coefficients AR model for the EEG data is obtained with least squares estimator, then the model coefficients are classified by SVM binary classification. In the article [15] the non-Gaussian EEG is considered using the ARIMA model (Autoregressive integrated moving average). In references [16, 17], predictions are performed based on the dynamic model with hidden variable and the sparse LVAR model, respectively. Also other features such as Mean Phase Coherency [18-20], Lag Synchronization Index to compare phase Synchronization between irregular oscillations [8,21], eigenspectra of space-delay correlation and covariance matrices [22], Largest Lyapunov Exponent [23, 25], decorrelation time, Hjorth parameters such as mobility and complexity, power spectrum in frequency bands, spectral edge frequency, the four statistical moments: mean, variance, kurtosis, skewness and there are features based on entropy and probability [6, 26-29]. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and wavelet transform methods have also been used to extract the feature [2, 30, 31, 37]. In articles [32, 33], the Cepstrum method has been used on short time multi channels EEG and IEEG in different patient states. Cepstrum is used to extract slow and periodic changes in speech that can be used to detect the ictal period from the inter-ictal, and has also been used to linearize the EEG [34]. In the paper [33], Cepstrum coefficients of multi-channel EEG are calculated and the 9 first coefficients are considered, then calculates the velocity and acceleration of the desired coefficients and uses a neural network to detect an epileptic seizure. The method of this paper was improved in 2014. In this way, first the signal energy and coefficients of Cepstrum are calculated and then the same process is followed. The accuracy values ​​of velocity and acceleration coefficients in this study were 89.7% - 98.7% and 98.9% - 99.9%, respectively [32].
 In this study, the period of IT was detected in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), which is the most common type of epilepsy [38]. For this purpose, two long term EEG channels LTM (long term monitoring) with a sampling rate 256, which are facing each other have been used. First, the desired signal is considered by the moving window with a length if 5 seconds and 80% overlap. The desired signal is normalized and its linear trend is removed and band-pass filtered (220 order FIR filter, cutoff at 6-20 Hz). Then the filtered date will de decomposed using discrete wavelet transform with 6-levels and Daubechies4 mother wavelet. In this step we will have 12 outputs. Next, by windowing of 500 samples and 75% overlap, the AR model with 8 order is applied to outputs. Cepstrum method can be used to detect regular and periodic changes in the ictal period of the EEG signal. According to this feature, the Cepstrum coefficients of the data window are calculated and the first coefficient of each window is considered. By applying a median filter to the 12 outputs of the previous stage, the current period of the first channel is compared to the background period of the same channel and the second channel, and the same is done for the second channel. This method reduces artifact error and inter-attack discharges. Finally, the signal is averaged by the moving window and the positive envelope of the curve is calculated. Given that we will eventually have 12 outputs, 12 threshold values are obtained for a patient’s training data, then these values are checked on the test data.
 The proposed method was reviewed on a proposed model of adult epilepsy as well as 10 patients with long-term EEG data without artifact removal. Accuracy and average prediction time were 92% and 18.5 seconds, respectively. The algorithm performed better than other methods. Another advantage of the algorithm is the ability to reduce artifacts, while many studies have used short-term data without artifacts. Artifacts are located at different frequencies, which frequency analysis is performed by wavelet transform. Because two channel artifacts are unequal at the same time and in the same channel at different times, the artifacts are reduced by comparing the channels to each other. Algorithm testing on more patients is recommended to confirm the performance of the algorithm clinically.  

Article number: 11
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Paper
Received: 2020/09/19 | Accepted: 2022/09/24 | Published: 2023/03/20 | ePublished: 2023/03/20

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