Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2023)                   JSDP 2023, 20(2): 195-210 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghaderi M R, Tabataba Vakili V, Sheikhan M. Energy Consumption Analysis based on Compressive Sensing Model in Wireless Sensor Networks. JSDP 2023; 20 (2) : 12
URL: http://jsdp.rcisp.ac.ir/article-1-1019-en.html
Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
Abstract:   (744 Views)
Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have found many applications in a variety of topics. The main purpose of these networks is to measure environmental phenomena and to send read data in multi-hop paths to the sink to be exploited by users. The most important challenge in WSNs is to minimize energy consumption in sensor batteries and increase network lifetime. One of the most important techniques for reducing energy consumption in WSNs is the compressive sensing (CS) technique. CS reduces network energy consumption by reducing data transmission in the network and increasing the network lifetime. The use of CS technique in a WSN results in the production of different models of CS signals. These models are based on spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal sensors readings. On the other hand, in order to overcome the challenge of energy consumption, the exact recognition of energy resources in the network is essential. 
Energy consumption in a sensor node can be divided into two parts: (a) the energy used for computing; and (b) the energy consumed by the communication. The energy used for the computing consists of three components: 1. sensor energy consumption (data reading), 2. background energy consumption, and 3. energy consumption for processing. The power consumption of the communication includes the following: 1. energy consumption for data transmission; 2. energy consumption for data receiving; 3. energy consumption for sending messages; and 4. energy consumption for receiving messages. Hence, the existence of a model for analyzing energy consumption in a CS-based WSN is necessary. Several models have been developed to analyze energy consumption in a WSN, but there is not a complete model for analyzing energy consumption in a CS-based WSN.
 In this paper, we study all energy consumption components mentioned above in a CS-based WSN and present a complete model for energy consumption analysis. This model can optimize the design of CS-based WSNs energy efficiency improvement approach. To evaluate the proposed model, we use this model to analyze energy consumption in the compressive data gathering technique which is a CS-based data aggregation method. Using this model can optimize the design of CS-based WSNs.
Article number: 12
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Paper
Received: 2019/05/19 | Accepted: 2020/10/20 | Published: 2023/10/22 | ePublished: 2023/10/22

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