Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2021)                   JSDP 2021, 18(1): 134-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Soltanian M, Ghaemmaghami S. Recognition of Visual Events using Spatio-Temporal Information of the Video Signal. JSDP 2021; 18 (1) :134-119
URL: http://jsdp.rcisp.ac.ir/article-1-928-en.html
Sharif University of Technology
Abstract:   (2577 Views)
Recognition of visual events as a video analysis task has become popular in machine learning community. While the traditional approaches for detection of video events have been used for a long time, the recently evolved deep learning based methods have revolutionized this area. They have enabled event recognition systems to achieve detection rates which were not reachable by traditional approaches.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are among the most popular types of deep networks utilized in both imaga and video recognition tasks. They are initially made up of several convolutional layers, each of which followed by proper activation and possibly pooling layers. They often encompass one or more fully connected layers as the last layers. The favorite property of them in this work is the ability of CNNs to extract mid-level features from video frames. Actually, despite traditional approaches based on low-level visual features, the CNNs make it possible to extract higher level semantic features from the video frames.
The focus of this paper is on recognition of visual events in video using CNNs. In this work, image trained descriptors are used to make video recognition can be done with low computational complexity. A tuned CNN is used as the frame descriptor and its fully connected layers are utilized as concept detectors. So, the featue maps of activation layers following fully connected layers act as feature vectors. These feature vectors (concept vectors) are actually the mid-level features which are a better video representation than the low level features. The obtained mid-level features can partially fill the semantic gap between low level features and high level semantics of video.
The obtained descriptors from the CNNs for each video are varying length stack of feature vectors. To make the obtained descriptors organized and prepared for clasification, they must be properly encoded. The coded descriptors are then normalized and classified. The normaliztion may consist of conventional and  normalization or more advanced power-law normalization. The main purpose of normalization is to change the distribution of descriptor values in a way to make them more uniformly distributed. So, very large or very small descriptors could have a more balanced impact on recognition of events.
The main novelty of this paper is that spatial and temporal information in mid-level features are employed to construct a suitable coding procedure. We use temporal information in coding of video descriptors. Such information is often ignored, resulting in reduced coding efficiency. Hence, a new coding is proposed which improves the trade-off between the computation complexity of the recognition scheme and the accuracy in identifying video events.
It is also shown that the proposed coding is in the form of an optimization problem that can be solved with existing algorithms. The optimization problem is initially non-convex and not solvable with the existing methods in polynomial time. So, it is transformed to a convex form which makes it a well defined optimization problem. While there are many methods to handle these types of convex optimization problems, we chose to use a strong convex optimization library to efficiently solve the problem and obtain the video descriptors.
To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed descriptor coding method, extensive experiments are done on two large public datasets: Columbia consumer video (CCV) dataset and ActivityNet dataset. Both CCV and ActivityNet are popular publically available video event recognition datasets, with standard train/test splits, which are large enough to be used as reasonable benchmarks in video recognition tasks.
Compared to the best practices available in the field of detecting visual events, the proposed method provides a better model of video and a much better mean average precision, mean average recall, and F score on the test set of CCV and ActivityNet datasets. The presented method not only improves the performance in terms of accuracy, but also reduces the computational cost with respect to those of the state of the art. The experiments vividly confirm the potential of the proposed method in improving the performance of visual recognition systems, especially in supervised video event detection.
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Type of Study: بنیادی | Subject: Paper
Received: 2018/11/12 | Accepted: 2019/02/19 | Published: 2021/05/22 | ePublished: 2021/05/22

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