Ethic publishing

 | Post date: 2017/05/5 | 

Ethic publishing Code of Scientific Research quarterly journal, "SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING"

This code, charter or guarantee constitutes the moral limits and risks involved in scientific research and publication activities in the Quarterly Research Journal of "SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING" that is called as magazine from now on to avoid consciously or unconsciously violations by the authors.

This Regulations based on the "Charter and the principles of research ethics" approved by the Department of Research and Technology, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran, accepted norms of international publishing ethics, and experiences in this magazine and some other scientific journals.

  1.  Introduction

Authors, reviewers, editorial board and editor are responsible of all the principles of research ethics and responsibilities in the field of printing and will be committed to it. Article submission by the authors, article judgment by referees and the decision to accept or reject the article by writer staff and editor are as knowing and complying with the law and if non-compliance with any of these people to the principles and responsibilities is achieved, the article reserving its right to do any legal action. Charter and principles of research ethics is approved by the Department of Research and Technology, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, and should guide magazine writers and judgment practitioners.

  1. Authors' responsibilities
  • Submitted papers should be in the specialized field of the journals and, scientifically and coherently is prepared according to standard magazine.
  • Original research articles must be provided (Original research) by paper authors and any utilization of other people's research, must be given in the article with reference to the original source. Research should be carried out carefully and objectively and data should be correctly reported.
  • Responsibility for the accuracy of the articles is upon the authors and the authors shall ensure the accuracy of the articles. Publishing article is not meaning as the content endorsement by the magazine.
  • Authors are obliged to avoid "Research and publication misconduct" as will be explained in section 3.
  • The authors do not have any right for "Duplicate submission" of an article. In other words, article, or part of it should not be published in any other magazine at home or abroad or during revision and publication.
  • Authors are not allowed to "Overlapping publication". Overlapping publication means as overlapping publication of published data and results of your previous articles with little change as a new article.
  • If it is needed to use other content, Authors are required to refer them as a citation (Citation) accurately and, where necessary after obtaining explicit written permission, use the required resources. When another researcher same writing is used, the quotation marks, such as putting it inside quotation marks (""), should be used.
  • Corresponding author of the paper should be sure about the names and information on all authors and be sure not to add any name other than the researchers involved in the research and preparation of the article. In other words should avoid adding "Gift authorship" and remove the "Ghost authorship".
  • Corresponding author is required that all authors study the article and make sure that all authors are agreed upon providing it and their position in the paper.
  • Submission of an article means that authors satisfy all financial supports of an article, and introduces all the financial supporters of the paper.
  • Authors are required that every time they noticed any error or inaccuracy in their article, to let the Magazine to know about it and try to correct it or withdraw their paper.
  • The authors are expected to keep the samples and the raw data used in the preparation of the article at least one year after the publication of an article in the journal to respond readers and their criticisms and any possible questions.
  • Any risks that humans or the environment will face through the research, must be clearly mentioned in the article.
  • Authors are expected to contribute with the magazine in reviewing articles of other researchers in specialized relevant fields.

  1. Unethical publishing and research behavior

If at any stage of submission, reviewing, editing, or publishing an article in a magazine or after them, the occurrence of one of the following ensured, it will be regarded as an unethical publishing and research behavior and magazine is legally entitled to it.

  • Fabrication: the unrealistic demands to submit reports or bogus results as experimental, observational studies or personal data, unreal recording of what is not happened or displacement of the results of various studies, are as examples of the violation.
  • Falsification: the recording and presenting the results in a way that details of the study or data collection process manipulated, or delete or change any data, or some small results in order to hide the larger facts, Juicy quotes to results specifically follow for research purposes or results presented are not disputed.
  • Plagiarism: includes ideas and phrases are closely adapted from other writers, Copying the thoughts structural similarity of the text or ideas assignment and results of others without proper citation, or introducing it as an authentic scientific research.
  • Scientific lease: means that the author (s) makes another person to carry out research and after the end of the study, with slight modifications publish it by their names.
  • Unrealistic assignment: means as the unrealistic assignment of author (s) to the institution, center or department or research which is not playing any relevant role in the research.
  • resend an article, overlapping publication, adding "Gift authorship" or remove the "Ghost author"

  1. Reviewers' responsibility
  • Judging quantitative analysis, content and scientific articles, contributed to the editor and editorial board members, and through the magazine to improve the quality and content authors contribute articles.
  • Appointed Judges must review the abstracts, immediately apprise the editor from his decision about acceptance or rejection of reviewing (because of not being familiar with the paper field, lack of time or ...). In case of arbitration rejection it will be expected, that the arbitrator to help the editor in the selection of an alternative referee.
  • The reviewer must be expert in field of the article. He should not accept articles areas that are far from his expertise area. Also it is worthy, to avoid accepting the judgment of an articles on the subject that having principles disagreement and may not be able to do a fair review on them.
  • Reviewer should not accept articles that the interests of individuals, institutions and businesses are achieved by special personal or relationships.
  • Referee should not accept judgment of the article that he himself is involved in analysis or writing, of that article.
  • In case of accepting the referee of an article, the referee is required to provide his professional opinions and corrections with clarity if it is necessary and with necessary documents within the prescribed time to the journal editors and writers. Scrutiny of references, tables, images and other article attachments is the responsibility of the referee.
  • Reviewing articles should be based on scientific evidence and enough reasoning and personal, professional, racial, religious, etc. acts should be avoided in the papers.
  • The reviewer is expected to provide his assessment about the strengths and weaknesses of the article constructively, and openly, along with an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of article and providing recommendations to amend the article, to the editor and the author (s).
  • Referee is expected to be responsible, accountable, punctual, truth seeking, interested, and adhere to professional ethics and the rights of others. Reliable and relevant evidence, fairness, civility, avoiding prejudice and hastiness, with a clear statement to the editor regarding the suitability of the paper for publication in the journal is another feature of the reviewer.
  • The referees are expected to avoid altering the article in the taste and preferences based on his personal opinion if the article principle is written flawless and clearly. Referees have to remember that the journal needs their scientific expertise not their editorial capacity.
  • The referee was obliged to ensure citation of articles to all research topics and quotes is used in the article. The referee is expected to remind related published research that was not referenced in the article to the authors.
  • The referee should treated all information in the articles as confidential ones and avoid distributing them and discussing its details with others.
  • The referee is not allowed to use data from research or new concepts in favor of or against themselves or others or to criticize or discredit the authors of article before its publication. After publication the article, the judge is not authorized to release details beyond what was published by the magazine.
  • The referee is not allowed to leave the judgment of an article to another person including faculty colleagues or graduate students except with permission of the editor. The name of each person who helped in the referee's judgment should be listed in the report to the editor and incorporated in the Magazine documents.
  • The referee is not allowed to have a direct contact with the authors about the papers which are under review. Any contact with authors will take place only through the magazine.
  • The referee is expected to be serious about reporting "unethical publication and research behavior" and write documentation, to the editor of the magazine.

  1. Executive director and Editorial board responsibilities
  • Authority and responsibility of Judges Selection to accept or reject an article after soliciting the opinion of judges are upon the editor and the editorial board of the magazine.
  • The editor and editorial board members should be professionally experts, specialists and has multiple publications, as well as having a responsibility spirit, accountability, truth seeking, fairness and impartiality, commitment to professional ethics and the rights of others and seriously and responsibly in order to achieve Journal objectives and contribute to its continuous improvement.
  • The editor, editorial board members and the executive director are expected to create a database of proper reviewers for the journal and regularly update it on the basis of their performances.
  • Editors and Editorial Board members should pay more attention in the selection of judges according to area of ​​expertise, excellence, scientific and business experience, and ethical obligations of judges. If possible, it is also expected to respect legitimate author’s requests about not judging of their paper by special referees.
  • Editor of magazine should welcome deep and reasonable judgments and prevent poor and superficial judgments, and ban the biased, unfounded or derogatory judgments.
  • The editor, editorial board member and executive director of the magazine have to register and archive documents, scientific papers as documents, and keep the names of referees secret for each article they take any action.
  • Decisions about acceptance or rejection of papers should be based on the assessment of expert referee’s opinions and correctness evaluation of them, and sufficient scientific evidence and no personal, professional, racial, religious actions should be involved in them.
  • The editor, editorial board member and executive director of the magazine are obliged to declare the result of the final decision about acceptance or rejection of the article to the corresponding author as soon as possible.
  • The editor, editorial board member and executive director of the magazine have make all the information in the papers as confidential and do not put them available to others and discuss their details with others.
  • The editor, editorial board member and executive director are not allowed to use data from research or new concepts in favor of or against themselves or others or to criticize or discredit the authors of article before its publication. After publication the article, they are not authorized to release details beyond what was published by the magazine. The only exception in this regard is examining the issues related to "unethical publication and research behavior" by the authors, if there are reasonable grounds to believe.
  • The editor, editorial board member and executive director of the magazine are required to prevent Conflict of interests in the reviewing process, with respect to any personal relationship, business, academic and financial, which may potentially affect the acceptance and publication of the presented papers.
  • The editor, editorial board member and executive director should encourage referees to carefully comment on the authenticity and the lack of publication and research offenses on manuscripts.
  • Magazine editor is required to review papers with violation of publication and research ethics reported by the referee's or in any other manner carefully and seriously and if necessary act in accordance with paragraph "steps to deal with unethical publication and research behavior " contained in the Regulations.
  • The editor should not end with rejecting papers or articles that are proven alleged violations, and he is obliged to follow up issue to the end, to the last stage. At the same time should provide a perfect opportunity to meet writers accused of "immoral publication and research behavior".
  • The editor is required to delete papers that "immoral publication and research behavior" are occurred in them and provide clear information to readers and authorities.
  • Editors and Editorial Board members are required to review and make an amendment print and clear information to the readers, for articles that errors have been found in them.
  • Editors and editorial board members are expected to welcome reasonable criticism of publications.
  • The editor and editorial board have to continually ask authors, readers and reviewers comments about improving quality publishing policy and magazine content.

  1. Duties of the research Journal of "SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING"

This office is responsible for editing and layout, keeping track of papers and revising accepted articles by the authors, and ultimately is responsible for publication of printed and electronic versions of magazines. Duties include the following:

  • Transparent determination and confirmation of their publication policies, particularly in relation to the decision-making independence of the editorial board, publishing ethics, intellectual property and copyright, conflict of interest, authors, reviewers, editors and editorial board duties, review and decisions process, appeals and complaints, scientific documentation of decision processes, data protection, authors and reviewers, revise or deleting the accepted papers, and disputes settlement between complainants and accused of "immoral publication and research behavior "
  • Effort to editing, layout and printing of the magazine with the highest precision and quality in the shortest possible time
  • Protect personal information of authors, the contents and details of articles except what is published in the journal after admission, during the reviewing and after decision-making on articles. The only exception in this regard is examining the issues related to "unethical publication and research behavior" by the authors, if there are reasonable grounds to believe.
  • Maintaining the independence of the editor and editorial board
  • providing the necessary training to the editor, editorial board members and reviewers to carry out their responsibilities properly
  • effort to provide the necessary training to improve the Journal quality and articles content and the appropriate form and publishing content and following research ethics
  • Collaborate with the magazine's editors to maintain the highest level of research ethics in the Journal and ensure that publication contents are free from any error and content error or problem.
  • Collaborate with the magazine's editors in investigating reports of "immoral publications and research" and providing expert advice to plaintiffs and defendants, if necessary
  • Related requests to utilize the published material in the journal in other publications with mentioning the references
  • Keep track of getting the reviewing answer and inform it to the authors
  • Keep track of getting revised paper, according to the obtained reviewing results of the Articles reviewers
  • Supervising on article revising by authors according to the results of the reviewing and submitting the necessary reports to the editor and editorial board members

  1. The process of dealing with unethical publication and research behavior
  • Get a written accusation by a private organization or person by the magazine office;
  • The editorial board meeting with an editor, director and chief executive officer responsible for the initial charges;
  • collecting documents and evaluating them if necessary and preparing agenda to whether accept the charges or not;
  • Sending the charges to authors and calls for response at the specified time;
  • Checking the answer at a meeting of the editorial board with the presence of Journal Editor, the Managing Editor and Chief Executive Officer and a final decision;
  • Sending the decision to the plaintiff and the defendant with punitive proposals if the charges is accepted;
  • Informing the highest research office of the whereabouts of offenders.

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